Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We finally got above 0 yesterday!! Whoo-hoo!!! A whopping 2 degrees. Never in my life would I think 2 degrees would feel so 'warm.' But...on a sad note, when I woke up this morning it was back down to -18. :(
Ruger and Isabel are the best of friends. They spend the day playing tug-of-war, sleeping, cuddling, and running-a-muk. They definitely keep each other entertained.
Rodolfo leaves for Japan again in Feb. Still not sure of their departure date; seems as if it will be between the 5th and 7th. He is going with a team of 12 guys from the fire dept. and is very excited to eat some sushi. We still havent heard if Rodolfo will be deploying in May. Hopefully within a month we will know. If he does go, it should only be for 4 months. We're crossing our fingers that he gets to stay in Alaska for the summer.
I have started classes again this winter. Trying to get all my certs. and some experience so I can apply to be a flight nurse/medic here in the near future. 2 online classes and an all day Saturday class are keeping me busy. I have joined a vb team to play on a league in Fairbanks for the next couple months. We play every Monday night!
My Mom & Dad (Rodg & Sher) are finally coming to visit in June!!!! We are very excited to have them!
Other than this..nothin else is new! Hope everyone is having a blessed 2010!

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